Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Coach Spotlight: Laura Saiz

2nd Year CoFo Member
College Completion Coach A.K.A. College Persistence Coach
Interview with Laura Saiz

1. What brought you to CoFo?
The short version: I super dig non-profits, my best friend/roommate/yogi at Vassar was from Austin and convinced me to start my post-grad job search there, found CoFo on the AmeriCorps website, read the description for College Completion Coach, remembered how rocky my transition from big public high school in L.A. to tiny private school in New York was, realized I was jealous because I wanted a Completion Coach while in college, then realized I wanted to be that Completion Coach for someone else. Bam! Now I’m here writing run-on sentences.

2. What is your favorite thing about working here?
It’s a tie between my endearing and sometimes wacky students, and my endearing and sometimes wacky co-workers.

3. Where is your favorite place in the office?
The bottom cupboards in the Completion room. If you are small enough you can fit in one of them and wait for someone to sit down before popping out at them and giving them a good scare/mild heart attack. Good times.

4. If you could describe CoFo in 5 words, what would they be?
On hold with fin-aid? Dance.
5. What is your favorite thing about living in Austin?
Breakfast tacos, specifically Torchy’s breakfast tacos. Oh, and all my friends I guess.
6. Describe your most memorable CoFo moment.
For my birthday last year the other Completion Coaches arranged a surprise Jennifer Lopez mini-dance party on my behalf. Best. Surprise. Ever
7. What is a hidden talent you have?
Being sassy and getting everyone I know to watch the greatest movie of all time, Selena.
8.What advice would you give future coaches?
Be prepared for your students to teach you.  

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