Friday, March 2, 2012

Interview with a CoFo Rockstar: Max Parrott

Classy Nudes performing @ Trailer Space Records
Max Parrott, seen above playing bass, is a Senior College Coach @ Connally High School

1.      How would you describe your bands ‘sound’?
      Always a challenging question. I’m going to say DIY (do-it-yourself) rock n’ roll with elements of punk rock. We definitely play loud and it sounds real raw and there’s signing that verges on shouting, but there’s also melodies and stories buried in there.

2.    What instrument do you play?

      I play the bass guitar. I have a Mexican made Fender J bass, which I’ve modified with new pick-ups. It sounds ok if you turn up loud enough but it’s getting to the point where I need a new American-made bass.

3.   How long have you guys been playing together?

 We’ve been pumping out loud music of our house since August when we moved in. But we’ve only been playing shows since around Christmas. We’re still in the process of making all the booking contacts which bands need to play on the reg.

4.   Are you playing during SXSW?

Yep, we’re playing one house party on Thursday and then a gallery show on Friday. We’re also going to be giving out home-made tapes at those shows.

5.  If you could meet any musician, who would it be and why?
 Any musician? I ought to pick someone who’s dead to make things interesting. It’s toss-up between Aaliyah and Kurt Cobain. I’m a 90’s nostalgia freak.

6.  What are some of your favorite Austin bands?

 Austin Bands: Bad Sports, Literature, White Denim, Unknown Relatives, Hatchet Wound, Grape St.

7.  What are some of the best Venues to see live music in Austin?

Venues: For Austin bands I like Cheer-up Charlie’s, Hotel Vegas, and 29th St. Ballroom. For out-of-town bands, it’s all about the Mohawk.

8.   What is your spirit animal?
I feel like my spirit animal changes daily. I had a student tell me I was a koala, lately I’ve been feeling like a prawn, check this guy out, it’s a foot-long! That’s me, I’m a super-prawn, mysterious and majestic.

9.   How much does College Forward ROCK?

College Forward rocks harder than diamonds. It’s like all the embers of Van Halen had one collective baby with Andrew W.K. and then that baby got possessed by Elvis. It’s great.

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