Thursday, March 1, 2012

Apartment Spotlight: Eastside Commons

1.       Why did you choose to live at Eastside Commons? How long have you lived there?
I chose to live at Eastside because I love the location; I’m five minutes from UT’s campus and a 10 minute bike ride from downtown! Plus, it’s the only apartment complex on Manor Road that has a pool! Rent prices are going up but with a roommate, it’s still manageable.

2.       What are a few things you like about the complex?
The location is awesome. There are lots of restaurants within walking distance and the variety of food is spectacular; anywhere from greasy grimy b-fast tacos to fancy-shmancy organic delicacies. There is a community garden just a hop, skip, and a jump over from my apartment that I often walk my dog over to because he likes to stare at the chickens. There is an elementary school and family-infested zone in the neighborhood. So for the most part, it is a really safe area. My landlord is also very friendly and works hard to help me with any issue I may have. There is also a bar RIGHT NEXT to my apartment, so walking home is easy peasy. It is also a very pet-friendly place. Almost everyone owns an animal in some form.

3.       What are a few things you do not like about the complex?
Sometimes, my lovely neighbors… tend to stay up waaay later than me and are loud.

4.       What are your neighbors like?
A lot of great people live right next door to me. Almost every night I’m invited to play a board game, climb the roof to look at the skyline, or eat some yummy grilled food. Everyone is so friendly and looking for a good time with good people. I often arrive home to the sound of great music blasting from someone’s window and I can’t escape several kind salutations as I unlock my apartment door. And everyone is different in their own unique way, so I love getting to meet new neighbors!

5.       How much does it cost to live in a 1 bedroom? 2 bedroom?
Funny you should mention it… rent is of-course going up. A one-bedroom is now $720/mo and a two-bedroom is $799/mo. I typically have to pay around $450/mo and that includes utilities! I suggest if someone is seriously considering Eastside, to go ahead and contact the landlord to see what apartments when be open when they move because they may be able to keep the lower rent cost if they reserve for July/August now…

6.       If some of our future Austinites have more questions, would you mind if they contacted you via email?
Sho-nuf. That means, sure enough. And yes, they can contact me.

Check out the website,

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