Friday, April 27, 2012

Coach Spotlight: Koehler Briceno

Position: Senior Coach
2nd year CoFo member
University of North Carolina

Interview with Koehler

1. What brought you to CoFo? After I graduated from UNC, I immediately applied to graduate schools. In the interim, I did a 6-month trip through Latin America with one of my college friends. During that time, I realized that I wasn’t ready to dedicate my life to a career without having some hands-on LIVING and working experiences. I decided that I wanted to come to Texas because I had interned with students from farmworker backgrounds from Texas the previous summer, and knew that I wanted to continue to work with Latino communities. For some whacko reason, that guided my gaze to Texas, and I started applying to AmeriCorps jobs (while still traveling!) that focused on farmworker issues and access to education.  As soon as I read the job description of College Forward, I was immediately drawn to the hands-on approach and office environment that they boasted of. I grew even more excited with every interview (both of them were conducted in interenet cafĂ©’s in Colombia), and was thrilled to be invited to join to CoFo team in 2010.

2.  What is your favorite thing about working here? My favorite thing is the CoFo vibe. I love that I am able to bounce off ideas with my co-workers, and take a lap around the office if I have a question. Everyone is so open and willing to share class lessons, strategies for approaching tricky topics in or out of the classroom, and cool things to do in Austin. My first year at CoFo felt like my freshman year in college, where so many people were fresh and new to Austin and ready to explore. It’s inspiring to experience the energy and innumerous perspectives that my co-workers bring to every day in the office.

3. Where is your favorite place in the office? Alright- this may not be my “favorite” place in the office, but it’s definitely the place where I spend the most time: The Cave. Although there are no windows, we have made sure to decorate the walls beautifully. There’s a very noble portrait of Abraham Lincoln (who was, himself, a Lobo), a sassy poster of Patrick Swayze, a Dia De Los Muertos Skull Pinata, puppies, snow flakes, barnyard animals, batman characters, you name it.  I think that the isolation of the office really inspired our creativity and BOY does it show (thumbs up sign).

4. If you could describe CoFo with 5 words, what would they be? Facial hair encouraged; not leggings.

5. What is your favorite thing about living in Austin? There are free fun things happening on a daily basis: South by Southwest is once (or twice) in a lifetime, you can go topless to whatever you want if you so choose, food trucks are funky and delicious, there are tons of freshwater springs with freezing water, it’s AmeriCorps* affordable. Summer weather persists about 10 months a year, musicality is encouraged (as are jorts), and whoever you are, you will have an amazing time on 6th street.

6. Describe your most memorable CoFo moment. Well. I hope it will be this upcoming Monday, April 30th, when Ben Moriarty will become the “Bean Conqueror” and “2012 Bean Champion of the WORLD (Manor)” by eating a 3 lb 7oz can of Bush’s Best Baked Beans (Homestyle. Flavored with bacon.) in one work day. I can’t wait. We made him a crown and a pendant and he’s going to enter to staff meeting with his fight song “Prince Ali” (from Aladdin).

7. What is a hidden talent you have? I’m an amazing singer. That’s not hidden, though. Another musically-inclined talent of mine: getting songs stuck in people’s heads without them even suspecting it.

8. What advice would you give to future coaches? La Plaza serves breakfast tacos until 11AM. Take advantage of that, but not too much advantage, because breakfast tacos in general are pretty addictive. Also- your kids will love you whether you’re shy, funny, creepy, serious, etc. They’ll also love the program as much as you do, so bring enthusiasm along with you to work.

1 comment:

  1. The bean championship sounds like pure workplace entertainment--I hope it ended well! :)
