Friday, April 27, 2012

Coach Spotlight: Koehler Briceno

Position: Senior Coach
2nd year CoFo member
University of North Carolina

Interview with Koehler

1. What brought you to CoFo? After I graduated from UNC, I immediately applied to graduate schools. In the interim, I did a 6-month trip through Latin America with one of my college friends. During that time, I realized that I wasn’t ready to dedicate my life to a career without having some hands-on LIVING and working experiences. I decided that I wanted to come to Texas because I had interned with students from farmworker backgrounds from Texas the previous summer, and knew that I wanted to continue to work with Latino communities. For some whacko reason, that guided my gaze to Texas, and I started applying to AmeriCorps jobs (while still traveling!) that focused on farmworker issues and access to education.  As soon as I read the job description of College Forward, I was immediately drawn to the hands-on approach and office environment that they boasted of. I grew even more excited with every interview (both of them were conducted in interenet cafĂ©’s in Colombia), and was thrilled to be invited to join to CoFo team in 2010.

2.  What is your favorite thing about working here? My favorite thing is the CoFo vibe. I love that I am able to bounce off ideas with my co-workers, and take a lap around the office if I have a question. Everyone is so open and willing to share class lessons, strategies for approaching tricky topics in or out of the classroom, and cool things to do in Austin. My first year at CoFo felt like my freshman year in college, where so many people were fresh and new to Austin and ready to explore. It’s inspiring to experience the energy and innumerous perspectives that my co-workers bring to every day in the office.

3. Where is your favorite place in the office? Alright- this may not be my “favorite” place in the office, but it’s definitely the place where I spend the most time: The Cave. Although there are no windows, we have made sure to decorate the walls beautifully. There’s a very noble portrait of Abraham Lincoln (who was, himself, a Lobo), a sassy poster of Patrick Swayze, a Dia De Los Muertos Skull Pinata, puppies, snow flakes, barnyard animals, batman characters, you name it.  I think that the isolation of the office really inspired our creativity and BOY does it show (thumbs up sign).

4. If you could describe CoFo with 5 words, what would they be? Facial hair encouraged; not leggings.

5. What is your favorite thing about living in Austin? There are free fun things happening on a daily basis: South by Southwest is once (or twice) in a lifetime, you can go topless to whatever you want if you so choose, food trucks are funky and delicious, there are tons of freshwater springs with freezing water, it’s AmeriCorps* affordable. Summer weather persists about 10 months a year, musicality is encouraged (as are jorts), and whoever you are, you will have an amazing time on 6th street.

6. Describe your most memorable CoFo moment. Well. I hope it will be this upcoming Monday, April 30th, when Ben Moriarty will become the “Bean Conqueror” and “2012 Bean Champion of the WORLD (Manor)” by eating a 3 lb 7oz can of Bush’s Best Baked Beans (Homestyle. Flavored with bacon.) in one work day. I can’t wait. We made him a crown and a pendant and he’s going to enter to staff meeting with his fight song “Prince Ali” (from Aladdin).

7. What is a hidden talent you have? I’m an amazing singer. That’s not hidden, though. Another musically-inclined talent of mine: getting songs stuck in people’s heads without them even suspecting it.

8. What advice would you give to future coaches? La Plaza serves breakfast tacos until 11AM. Take advantage of that, but not too much advantage, because breakfast tacos in general are pretty addictive. Also- your kids will love you whether you’re shy, funny, creepy, serious, etc. They’ll also love the program as much as you do, so bring enthusiasm along with you to work.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

15th Annual Buda Wiener Dog Races

Along with Eeyore's Birthday, the Buda Weiner Dog Races are this weekend! Buda is about 15 minutes south of Austin close to Kyle, TX where we have 2 schools that we serve. Some of our students and coaches will be volunteering at this evenet.

Check out all of the fun activities planned for this event!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Eeyore's Birthday 2012

Hello again, friends! Guess what? There is another fun festival this weekend! It is called Eeyore's Birthday.

"What is this glorious event?" you may be asking yourself. Well...

Eeyore's Birthday Party is a day-long festival taking place annually in Austin, Texas since 1963. It typically occurs on the last Saturday of April in Austin's Pease Park It includes live music, food and drink vending which benefit local non-profit organizations, attendees in colorful costumes, and very large drum circles. The event is frequented by children and families, with specific events presented for them by the event organizers.
Why celebrate Eeyore?
Eeyore's Birthday Party began in 1963 as a spring party and picnic for Department of English students at the University of Texas at Austin by Lloyd W. Birdwell, Jr. and other UT students. It was named for Eeyore, a chronically depressed donkey in A. A. Milne's Winnie-the-Pooh stories who, in one story, believes his friends have forgotten his birthday only to discover they have planned a surprise party for him. Despite its name, the event does not fall on the official birthday of the fictional character. The original event featured a trashcan full of lemonade, beer, honey sandwiches, a live, flower-draped donkey, and a may pole (in keeping with the event's proximity to May Day). For many years the party was a UT tradition, but subsequently the annual Birthday Party became a tradition in Austin's hippie subculture.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Global Youth Service Day 2012

This weekend we celebrated Global Youth Service Day! All of our high school students must complete 40 hours of Community Service as members of College Forward. We plan several events for our students throughout the year. Check out our coaches and students working hard for Global Youth Service Day!

What is GYSD??

Global Youth Service Day is an annual campaign that celebrates and mobilizes the millions of children and youth who improve their communities each day of the year through service and service-learning. Established in 1988, Global Youth Service Day is the largest and longest-running service event in the world, and the only day of service dedicated to children and youth. GYSD is celebrated each year in over 100 countries.

Each year, millions of children and youth around the world work together with schools, youth organizations, nonprofits, community and faith-based organizations, volunteer and national service programs, government agencies, faith communities, and other individuals to address the world’s most critical issues and change their communities on Global Youth Service Day.

Want more information?

Check out the website. ->

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Apartment Spotlight: Avenue A

1.       Why did you choose to live at Avenue A Apartments? How long have you lived there?
·         I chose to live at Avenue A apartments because it was located in Hyde Park, which was exactly the neighborhood I desired. It is close to cool Hyde Park coffeehouses and restaurants, but is also located right off of Guadalupe, a main thoroughfare. This is great for accessible bus routes and general travel. I’ve lived there one year.
2.       What are a few things you like about the complex?
·         I like that the building is quiet, there are laundry machines on-site, and that it is well-located between a lot of general amenities and attractions (close to Walgreen’s pharmacy, grocery stores, coffeehouses, easy to get on either I-35, Mopac or Highway 290- main highways).  
·         The management company, Lee Properties, has been very easy to work with. They are very responsive to maintenance requests and polite. They even held a Happy Hour for tenants at the beginning of the year and my boyfriend and I won Austin City Limit passes!
3.       What are a few things you do not like about the complex?
·         The units kind of resemble a Comfort Inn room when you first walk in- they are ALL studio apartments or 1-bedroom (size of a studio but with partial wall). The A/C unit is at the front wall, so it gets pretty steamy in the summer.
4.       What are your neighbors like?
·         Nearly all of my neighbors are upperclassmen UT students or graduate students. Some are single, older residents. Because of the size of the units, there are no families or large pets. Everyone is pretty quiet and I have never had a bad encounter with a neighbor.
5.       How much does it cost to live in a 1 bedroom? 2 bedroom?
·         Only studio/ 1 brm is available. Rent is $650/mo, and includes water, gas, an internet cable box, and trash. The only other utility to pay is electricity.
6.       If some of our future Austinites have more questions, would you mind if they contacted you via email?
·         Please do! I’ve enjoyed living at Avenue A apartments and would recommend it to any single person or couple looking to live in tight quarters.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Apartment Spotlight: University Village

1.       Why did you choose to live at University Village? How long have you lived there? Bottom line: University Village Apartments is cheap. Last year, I lived in Hyde Park and was able to take advantage of all the cool restaurants, bars, and parks it had to offer. It was a great experience, but my bank account definitely took a hit. The Riverside area is very affordable for AmeriCorps members and is down the road from South Congress and Barton Springs.  I’ve lived here since August of this year.
2.       What are a few things you like about the complex? UVA is a student-housing apartment complex, so it definitely caters to younger people looking to enjoy their college years. There are two sand volleyball courts and a good-sized pool that people take advantage of frequently when it’s nice out, aka 10 out of 12 months in Austin. This year, it’s been a lot of fun having people from work over on the weekends for epic battles on the volleyball court. There are also E-buses that take you downtown and back on weekend nights.
3.       What are a few things you do not like about the complex? There isn’t a lot of parking available, even for residents, which is very frustrating because towing is a problem. If you didn’t pay for a covered or “reserved” parking space, finding parking on weekend nights can take up to ten minutes. It can also be a pretty loud area to live. These apartment complexes are some of the biggest I’ve seen and it is not unusual to hear loud music from passing-by cars and random people talking very loudly as constant background noise. UVA is also located in somewhat of a food desert, with an HEB down the street surrounded by every fast food chain known to man.
4.       What are your neighbors like? Neighbors are generally students at UT Austin or ACC, or young adults looking to live super cheap. The general income level is on the lower side of the spectrum (e.g. AmeriCorps members), and it is easy to strike up a conversation in the pool or get in on a pick-up volleyball game.
5.       How much does it cost to live in a 4 bedroom apartment? For a four-person, completely furnished apartment I pay $435 per month, utilities, internet, and cable included. We each have our own bedroom and bathroom, and we share a decent-sized common area and kitchen.
6. If some of our future Austinites have more questions, would you mind if they contacted you via       email. I’ve been tricked into giving out my email before, but what the heck:

College Challenge 2012

On March 31st, we had our annual fundraiser called College Challenge. We invite our funders, students, school partners, staff, and americorps members to join us in a night of trivia at the Bob Bullock Museum. We raised over $150,000! Jesse Tow who was on Jeopardy last week was for sale. The highest bidder got him on their team for $2,100.

Also, at the College Challege we debuted our new CoFo video! If you are a little confused about what you will be up to next year or you just want to see what our office/culture/community looks like, please watch it and share it! It was made by a group of current Americorps members. Hollaaaaa.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


That's right, College Forward's very own Jesse Tow made it onto Jeopardy and the episode is airing today!  The CoFo community will be watching on a big screen in the office.  If you have a chance to do so, record or watch the show and cheer him on!  We're proud to have such a wonderful, brilliant workforce.

Good luck Jesse!