Friday, February 24, 2012

Highlighted Coach, Feb. 24, 2012

Highlighted Coach: CHAZ HOSKINS!!
Chaz (bottom row, right) with the Del Valle team! 
Just like in this picture, Chaz greatly supports his team. 

Position: Junior Coach
First year CoFo member
Missouri Western State University

Interview with Chaz

Cofo: What brought you to CoFo?
CH: I have always enjoyed working with youth and I really feel a great sense of accomplishment by empowering others who cannot empower themselves.

CoFo: What is your favorite thing about working here?
CH: I have two. 1) Getting to know my students and learning about all of their different views and backgrounds and 2) working with all of the different co-workers and all of their different personalities and ideas that they bring to the table.

CoFo: Where is your favorite place in the office?
CH: The Zen room (aka: The Connally office). It cured my headache.

CoFo: If you could describe CoFo with 5 words, what would they be?
CH: 1) Legendary 2) Exciting 3) Intense 4) Unpredictable 2) PHAT--as in Pretty Hot and Tempting
CoFo: That is technically more than 5 words.

CoFo: What is your favorite thing about living in Austin?
CH: All of the things that are available to do in Austin. I like going to movies, museums, and parks and those are all there.

CoFo: What are your current Rose, Bud, and Thorn?
Rose--the highlight for me this week was when I sat down with my students and registered every one of   them that were there for the ACT.
Bud--I am looking forward to coming back as a visitor and watching my students graduate from high school, in 2013.
Thorn--I went on the Del Valle High school retreat in the fall. There were 90 high school students and 5 chaperones. And all the students rebelled for a whole weekend.

CoFo: What is a hidden talent you have?
CH: I can talk in different voices. Some are high pitched and some are deep. I don’t tell many people about that.

CoFo: What advice would you give to future coaches?
CH: Remember to have fun and don’t take everything too seriously.

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